Author Guidelines

Mazawa Journal article writing must use Microsoft Word. Consists of title, author identity (author without title, affiliation, email) abstract, introduction, research methods, research results, conclusions and bibliography. Writing articles in the MAZAWA Journal follows this systematic:
1. Title
The title of the article should be concise, informative, avoid abbreviations, reflect the problem solution, approach and describe the content of the research. Maximum of 17 words. Font using Arial Narrow 17, Bold. Example:
Detection of Productive Waqf Management Risks Using the COSO Modification Method based on Asset Relaxation.
2. Author's name (Arial Narrow 14), affiliations avoid abbreviations and email addresses are written in font (Arial Narrow 12). Example:
Ferdian Jones Muhammad
Universitas Unggul Merdeka Jakarta, Indonesia
3. Abstract is written in one language, English. The content of the abstract consists of brief objectives, core problems, significance, methods and research results. The number of words should not exceed 250 words and be accompanied by keywords. The font uses (Arial Narrow 11).
4. Keywords are no more than 5 words. Font using (Arial Narrow 11).
5. Introduction. Introduction contains: academic anxiety, solution offer, theory and or approach, previous research to illustrate significance. Using font (Palatino Linotype 12).
6. Research Methods. The research method contains: approach and type of research, primary and secondary data, data collection instruments and data analysis.
7. Research results and discussion. The results of the research describe the results of research in the field without the intervention of the researcher's opinion, corroborated by interview quotes. The discussion is an analysis of the theory to see the hypothesis and interview results (Palatino Linotype 12).
8. Conclusion. Answers the research problem and describes the objectives of the research (Palatino Linotype 12).
8. Bibliography
The title of the bibliography uses Palatino Linotype 12 font, while the contents of the bibliography use size 12. The bibliography is not divided by reference source. An example of writing a bibliography is as follows:
Boulven, Mohd Adib; S. Abdullah, Azizan Bahari, A. J. Ramli, N. S. Hussin, Jamsari Jamaluddin, and Z. Ahmad. "Model of Islamic Social Entrepreneurship: A Study on Successful Muslim Social Entrepreneurs in Malaysia." MATEC Web of Conferences 150 (2018): 10-13.
9. Footnotes.
Footnotes use Palatino Linotype 12 font size 9. Examples of footnote writing are as follows:
Noor Azura Zainuddin et al., "ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF DANA WAKAF ILMU UITM PERLIS (DWIPs)," International Journal of Law, Government and Communication 7, no. 28 (2022): 153–65,

Surita Hartini Mat Hassan et al., "The Implementation of Ijarah in Producing the Waqf Property: Studies in Penang, Malaysia," International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 11, no. 1 (2021),
10. Header and Footer
Especially for the first page, do not use a header. The footer of the first page consists of the name of the journal, volume, number, month and year of publication of the journal, ISSN and eISSN of the journal and the beginning to end pages. For the next page, the header on even page numbers consists of the name of the author of the article separated by a colon and written in capital letters at the beginning of the word, Palatino Linotype font, size 8 points, left-aligned. If the authors are more than 2 people, then write the name of the first author only, followed by the word et al. Header for odd page numbers consists of a fragment of the journal article title in capital letters at the beginning of the word, written in Humanst521 Lt BT font, size 8 points, flush right.
Footers for all pages in the article except the first page have the same. Footer consists of writing the name of the journal, volume, number, month of publication and year of publication of the journal, written in Palatino Linotype font, size 8 points. Example: MAZAWA: Vol. 5. No. 2. March 2021. Footer is written alongside the page number, with the position of the page number on the left and footer on the right. The format for all headers and footers in this template is easy to use.
11. Layout
Each article submitted must fulfil the following specifications:
The number of pages for each article is between 5000 and 7000 words.
1. Articles are written in Microsoft Word format and saved in word doc.
2. A4 paper size (21 cm x 29 cm).
3. Left margin 4 cm, top, right and bottom margins for all pages are 3 cm.
4. Header and Footer distance from the edge of the paper is 2.5 cm.
5. Footnotes and Bibliography using Zotero or Mendelay.
6. Examples of article writing can follow the template