The Relevance of Mosque Financial Inclusion and Economic Sustainability

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Mohammad H Holle
Binti Nur Asiyah
Dwi Koerniawati
Syed Ismail Syed Mohamad
Arifin Pellu


This study aims to answer questions regarding the relevance of mosque financial inclusion and a sustainable economy. This study uses a case study approach and a policy approach with a qualitative paradigm. This study examines the impact of mosque financial inclusion on the economic sustainability of the mosque community using primary data from research objects, namely the Jogokariyan Mosque in Yogyakarta and the Sabilillah Mosque in Malang City. The results of this study indicate that the relevance of mosque financial inclusion to a sustainable economy can be proven in the two mosques that are the object of this research. The Bayt al-Māl, ‘Āmil Zakāh Institution (LAZ), Mosque Cooperatives, and Foundations carry out access indicators without involving the formal financial sector or the government. The inclusion target community can easily access these institutions. It is consumptive-productive based on the signs of use of the Jogokariyan and Sabilillah Malang Mosques. qarḍ ḥasan and grants are the three financial methods for the three mosques. By providing cash lending without interest or collateral, the two mosques have implemented financial inclusion for target communities that do not have bank accounts. It is ideal to be productive and still meet quality metrics for public consumption. Using zakāh, infāq, and ṣadaqah instruments further illustrates the close connection between financial inclusion and a sustainable economy. The community's accessibility to services for basic necessities, education, health, and social mobilization demonstrates its significance.


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How to Cite
Holle, Mohammad H, Binti Nur Asiyah, Zumaroh Zumaroh, Dwi Koerniawati, Syed Ismail Syed Mohamad, and Arifin Pellu. “The Relevance of Mosque Financial Inclusion and Economic Sustainability”. El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) 13, no. 2 (November 8, 2023): 178–189. Accessed April 28, 2024.
Author Biographies

Binti Nur Asiyah, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia

Sharia Economic Study Program

Zumaroh, IAIN Metro, Indonesia

Metro State Islamic Institute

Dwi Koerniawati, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Sharia Economic Study Program

Arifin Pellu, STKIP Seram Raya, Indonesia

Economi Education Prodi


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